2020 Expenses Paypal Fees $11.76 Office Expenses $171.15 Tax Expense $179.95 Total Expenses $362.86

Foundation Welcomes New Board Member
Mike Dalton, the Owner/President of Durable Products, Inc., Crossville, will replace Donnie Andrews on the CSW Foundation. Mike was born in Pontiac, Michigan. His company, Durable Products Inc., has been in business in Crossville for 25 years, providing their customers with custom-manufactured rubber and polyurethane products. A […]
2015 letter from donor
Dr. Wood recently received a letter and a check from Mary Taylor Flynn of Coronado, CA. Her letter in part, said: “Please accept the enclosed check in memory of Dr. David Campbell and in honor of his widow, Dorothy Moffatt Campbell. Dotti and I were roommates at […]
Contributions to CSW Foundation growing
Contributions to The CSW foundation continue to grow as individuals see the benefit of supporting the organization. CSW was founded by Dr. Robert Wood, Jr. to honor the memories of his father, the late Robert Wood Sr., and two of his colleagues: the late Dr. […]