Awards Granted
Donors to CSW Foundation
Brooker, Janet
Campbell, Dotti
Chadwell, Jack
Cumberland Co. Eye Care
Dalton, Mike
Dickerson, Will
Everett, Jim
First Nat.Bank of Tn.
Graham, Randal
Harrison, Rob
Highland Fed. Bank
Houston, Tom
Jacobson, Warren
Middle Tn. Gas
Nichols, Dr. Bob & Meg
Riede, Cynthia
Shaffer, Dan
Shanks, Doris
Stone, Cassandra & Josh
Threet, Benton & Joyce
Threet, Steve
Volunteer Electric
Wood, Miree
Wood, Robert & Barbara
Fall awards 2015 Total Awarded $5,000.00
CCHS Baseball $300.
Cheer leading $500.
Cross country $300.
SMHS Volleyball $750.
Baseball $1400.
Track &Field $1000.
Bowling $750.
Spring awards 2016 Total Awarded $4,500.00
Brown FCCLA $500
Crab Orchard Archery $500.
Homestead Jr. League cross country $500.
Martin Jr. Beta club $500.
North NCE CHOIR $500.
Pine View Archery $500.
Pleasant Hill Yearbook $235.
Pleasant Hill Archery $265.
South Band $500.
Stone Elem Visual Art $500.
Fall awards 2016 Total Awarded $5,150.00
Stone Elem. Archery Team $300
South Elem. Jr. BETA Club $300
Pleasant Hill Elem. (SWPBS) $300
Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Support $150
Pleasant Hill Elem. Band $150
Pine View Cross Country $150
North Elem. Nature Club $150
North Elem. Fitness Club $150
Martin Elem. Junior Cross Country Team $300
Homestead Elem. Band $300
Crab Orchard Band $300
Brown Elem, JV Cheer $150
CCHS Softball Team $500
CCHS Bowling Team $500
SMHS Cross Country Boys/Girls $500
SMHS Panther Tales Drama Club $500
Cumberland County Middle·School Softball $450
Spring awards 2017 Total Awarded $5,000.00
Brown Chess (Bailey) $220
Crab Orchard Kindergarten (Reed) $280
Homestead Cheerleaders (Updike) $250
Martin RTI Wobble Chairs (Wright/Chappell) $200
Martin Vocabulary Materials (Wright/Chappell) $100
North 3rd Grade Exercise (Helton) $300
Pine View Chess Team (Martin) $200
Pleasant Hill Spanish Club (Nelson) $200
Pleasant Hill Cross Country (Delorenzo) $100
South Music (Babich) $150
South Kindergarten (Taylor) $200
Stone Elem. Music/Band/Choir (Marsee) $300
CCHS Track (Bowen, Allen) $425
CCHS Cross Country (Shoemaker) $425
SMHS Chorus (Saldana) $425
SMHS Chemistry I Class (St.Onge) $425
Phoenix Student Council (Smith) $350
County Wide Elementary Golf (Herring) $450
Fall awards – August 23, 2018 Total Awarded $5,000.00
Brown Elementary (7th & 8th Math Class) $250
Crab Orchard Elementary (First Grade Class) $250
Homestead Elementary (Chess Club) $250
MartinElementary (JV & Varsity Basketball) $250
North Elementary (House of Character – PBS) $250
Pine View Elementary (Jr. Beta Club) $200
Pleasant Hill Elementary (3rd Grade Class) $250
SouthElementary (Varsity Cheer) $250
Stone Elementary (Positive Behavior Support) $250
CCHS (Theatre Arts I and II) $300
CCHS (Chess Club) $150
CCHS (Freshman Academy) $300
SMHS (ELA Common Ground) $300
SMHS (Dance Team) $150
SMHS (Bowling Team) $300
Phoenix (Media Center) $300
SMHS (Dual Enrollment Funds) $500
CCHS (Dual Enrollment Funds) $500
Spring awards – January 24, 2019 Total Awarded $7,800.00
Brown Elementary (Battle of the Books) $500
Crab Orchard Elementary (3rd Grade Classes) $200
Crab Orchard Elementary (P.E. Classes) $200
Homestead Elementary (P.E. Classes) $250
Homestead Elementary (J.V. and Varsity Cheer) $300
Martin Elementary (School-wide Positive Behavior) $250
Martin Elementary (RTI 1st Grade) $150
Martin Elementary (RTI 2nd Grade) $150
North Cumberland Elementary (Chess Club) $250
North Cumberland Elementary (P.E. Classes) $300
Pine View Elementary (School-wide Positive Behavior) $500
Pleasant Hill Elementary (ESL Classroom) $250
Pleasant Hill Elementary (Library) $300
South Cumberland Elementary (Music Classes) $500
Stone Elementary (Band) $500
CCHS ( Dual Credit) $500
CCHS (Boys/Girls Track Team) $500
CCHS (Wrestling) $400
SMHS (Chorus) $500
SMHS (Chinese Foreign Lang. Class) $250
SMHS (RTI Program) $250
SMHS (Food Pantry) $400
Phoenix High School (Transition Academy) $200
South (host of Middle School Golf) Golf Program $200
Fall awards – August 22, 2019 Total Awarded $9,600.00
Brown Elementary (After School Program) $500.00
Crab Orchard Elementary (Science Department) $300.00
Crab Orchard Elementary (Junior Beta Club) $300.00
Homestead Elementary (Band)$300.00
Homestead Elementary (Archery Club/Team) $300.00
Martin Elementary (Music Department) $300.00
Martin Elementary (Kindergarten) $300.00
North Elementary (Light On After School) $300.00
North Elementary (Music Department) $300.00
Pine View Elementary (PBS) $200.00
Pine View Elementary (Junior Beta Club) $200.00
Pleasant Hill Elementary (4th Grade Class – Dixon) $300.00
Pleasant Hill Elementary (Boys Basketball) $300.00
South Elementary (3rd Grade Class – Ferguson) $260.00
Stone Elementary (Family & Friends Connections) $300.00
Stone Elementary (PBS) $300.00
CCHS (Cheerleading) $300.00
CCHS (Lady Jet Volleyball) $300.00
CCHS (HOSA) $500.00
CCHS (Jet Theatrix Drama Club) $250.00
CCHS (Dual Enrollment Fund) $500.00
CCHS (French Club) $250.00
SMHS ( FCCLA) $500.00
SMHS (Future Business Leaders) $250.00
SMHS (History Club) $100.00
SMHS (Science Department) $500.00
SMHS (Beta Club) $500.00
SMHS (Chess Club) $200.00
SMHS (Food Pantry) $90.00
Phoenix School (PBS) $300.00
Phoenix School (Student Council) $300.00
Spring awards – February 27, 2020 Total Awarded $10,800.00
Brown Elementary (6th Grade Math) $500
Crab Orchard Elementary (Physical Education) $300
Homestead Elementary (Archery Team) $500
Martin Elementary (Student Council) $200
Martin Elementary (First Grade Team) $200
Martin Elementary (Positive Behavior Support Team) $400
North Cumberland Elementary (Sunshine Committee) $300
North Cumberland Elementary (Physical Education) $250
Pine View Elementary (Boys Basketball) $200
Pine View Elementary (Girls Basketball) $200
Pine View Elementary (Cross Country) $200
Pleasant Hill Elementary (PreK Diane Savage) $250
Pleasant Hill Elementary (Positive Behavior Support Team) $400
Pleasant Hill Elementary (4th Grade Class – T.Dixon) $200
South Cumberland Elementary (Cross Country) $200
South Cumberland Elementary (SCES Music) $300
Stone Elementary (BETA Club) $500
CCHS (EPSO/Dual Credit Fund) $500
CCHS (FBLA) $500
CCHS (AP U.S. History) $250
CCHS (Track Team) $325
CCHS (Wrestling) $325
CCHS (Cheerleading) $325
CCHS (Softball) $325
SMHS (FBLA) $200
SMHS (Oasis: Second Chances Club) $300
SMHS (Golf Team) $400
SMHS (Wrestling) $500
SMHS (ACT Incentive) $300
SMHS (Chorus) $500
Phoenix High School (Attendance Perks) $250
Phoenix High School (Transition Academy) $200
Middle School – CCHS Account (Softball) $250
Middle School – South Account (Boys and Girls Golf) $250
Fall awards – August 27, 2020 Total Awarded $9,910.00
Brown Elementary (Library) $300.00
Brown Elementary (Library – different project) $325.00
Crab Orchard Elementary (Miss Gail’s Kindergarten) $345.00
Crab Orchard Elementary (Ashley Corbin’s Class) $160.00
Crab Orchard Elementary (School Wide Positive) $160.00
Crab Orchard Elementary (5th Grade Team) $160.00
Crab Orchard Elementary (Erin Jackson Class) $160.00
Homestead Elementary (P. E. Class) $400.00
Martin Elementary (2nd Grade) $300.00
Martin Elementary (Laura Brown’s 1st grade) $100.00
Martin Elementary (Blake Barnett’s – Kindergarten) $100.00
Martin Elementary (Student Council) $125.00
North Cumberland Elem. (Special Areas) $250.00
North Cumberland Elem. (Student Council) $375.00
Pine View Elementary (Cross Country) $150.00
Pine View Elementary (School Wide Positive) $150.00
Pine View Elementary (VIP Attendance) $325.00
Pleasant Hill Elementary (Library) $300.00
Pleasant Hill Elementary (Battle of the Books) $325.00
Stone Elementary (Student Council) $500.00
SMHS (Chorus) $500.00
SMHS (Food Pantry) $500.00
SMHS (National History Day) $200.00
SMHS (FCCLA) $150.00
SMHS (Health Science Classes) $150.00
SMHS (Automotive Skills USA) $150.00
SMHS (HOSA) $150.00
SMHS (Future Business Leaders) $150.00
SMHS (Criminal Justice Clu) $150.00
SMHS (Criminal Justice Skills) $150.00
CCHS (Girls Soccer) $500.00
CCHS (Football Team) $500.00
CCHS (Cheerleading) $500.00
CCHS (Chess Club) $250.00
CCHS (Biology) $400.00
Phoenix (Attendance Perks) $200.00
Phoenix (Media Center) $300.00
Spring awards – January 28, 2021 Total Awarded $11,329.00
Brown Elementary (Physical Education Dept.) $500.00
Crab Orchard Elementary (Ashley Reagan’s Class) $124.00
Crab Orchard Elementary (Nursing/School Health) $500.00
Homestead Elementary (Band/Choir/Music Classes) $500.00
Martin Elementary (RTI Classes) $500.00
Martin Elementary (Rosie Davis – 2nd grade) $100.00
North Elementary (Physical Education Dept.) $500.00
North Elementary (7th grade ELA) $140.00
Pine View Elementary (Physical Education Dept.) $500.00
Pleasant Hill Elementary (Band) $500.00
Pleasant Hill Elementary (Mrs. Dixon’s Class) $100.00
Pleasant Hill Elementary (Mrs. Amanda’s Class) $100.00
Pleasant Hill Elementary (Mrs. Pam’s Class) $100.00
South Elementary (Library) $500.00
Stone Elementary (Mrs. Davis’ 1st grade) $200.00
Stone Elementary (RTI Classes) $500.00
SMHS (Basketball Cheerleaders) $600.00
SMHS (Food Pantry) $815.00
SMHS (RTI) $1100.00
CCHS (Softball Tea) $300.00
CCHS (Track and Field Team) $300.00
CCHS (Boys Soccer Team) $300.00
CCHS (Nursing/Health Science Class) $300.00
CCHS (Theatre 2 Class) $300.00
CCHS (French Classes) $300.00
CCHS (Freshman Academy) $300.00
CCHS (Dual Enrollment Funds) $500.00
CCHS (Piano Classes) $250.00
Phoenix (Attendance Perks) $200.00
Phoenix (Media Center) $200.00
Phoenix (The Transition Academy) $200.00
Fall awards – August 26, 2021 Total Awarded $14,420.00
Brown Elementary (Physical Education Dept.) $300
Brown Elementary (Book Club) $300
Brown Elementary (BETA Club) $300
Crab Orchard Elementary (2nd Grade/CKLA Reading) $200
Crab Orchard Elementary (6th Grade Science Class) $200
Crab Orchard Elementary (Music Class/Instrument) $200
Crab Orchard Elementary (Archery Team/PE Class) $200
Crab Orchard Elementary (4th Grade STEM Activities) $200
Homestead Elementary (Scrabble Club) $340
Homestead Elementary (STEM Club) $340
Homestead Elementary (Book/Writer’s Club) $340
Martin Elementary (2nd Grade Inclusion Class) $200
Martin Elementary (JV Cheer) $400
Martin Elementary (Student Council) $400
Pine View Elementary (Jr. BETA Club) $300
Pine View Elementary (JV & Varsity Cheer) $300
Pine View Elementary (Positive Behavior) $200
Pleasant Hill Elementary (Girls’ Basketball) $450
Pleasant Hill Elementary (Yearbook) $300
Pleasant Hill Elementary (3rd Grade Classroom) $50
South Cumberland Elementary (JV Girls’ Basketball) $500
South Cumberland Elementary (Positive Behavior) $500
Stone Elementary (Middle School Cheer) $800
SMHS (Culinary Dept) $300
SMHS (Food Pantry) $500
SMHS (Football Cheer) $250
SMHS (Wrestling Team) $1000
SMHS (Incentive Program) $500
SMHS (National History Day Club) $150
CCHS (Bowling Team) $400
CCHS (AP US History) $400
CCHS (Jet Theatrix/Drama Club) $400
CCHS (French Club) $200
CCHS (Wrestling Team) $500
CCHS (Football Team) $500
CCHS (Lady Jets Softball) $500
CCHS (Dual Enrollment Funds) $700
CCHS (Positive Behavior) $300
Spring awards – January 27, 2022 Total Awarded $14,500.00
Brown Elementary (Beta Club) $500.00
Homestead Elementary (Physical Education Department) $400.00
Homestead Elementary (Chess Club) $300.00
Martin Elementary (Chess Club) $300.00
Martin Elementary (Special Education Department) $180.00
North Cumberland Elementary (Physical Education Department) $300.00
North Cumberland Elementary (8th Grade Year End Trip) $653.00
Pine View Elementary (Renaissance Literacy Initiative) $200.00
Pine View Elementary (Varsity/JV Cross Country) $200.00
Pine View Elementary (5th-8th Grade Band) $700.00
Pine View Elementary (PTO) $330.00
Pleasant Hill Elementary (7th/8th Book Clubs) $500.00
South Cumberland Elementary (Student Council) $500.00
South Cumberland Elementary (Beta Club) $500.00
Stone Elementary (Schoolwide Positive Behavior) $250.00
Stone Elementary (Band) $800.00
Stone Elementary (Cross Country) $300.00
Cumberland County High School (Reading Club) $400.00
Cumberland County High School (County Wide Middle School Golf) $400.00
Cumberland County High School (Track & Field) $500.00
Cumberland County High School (Jet Theatrix) $1000.00
Cumberland County High School (French Club) $150.00
Cumberland County High School (School Counseling Department) $500.00
Cumberland County High School (Jets Baseball) $500.00
Cumberland County High School (Freshman Academy) $300.00
Cumberland County High School (Schoolwide Positive Behavior) $400.00
Cumberland County High School (Jets Boys Soccer) $500.00
Phoenix High School (Small Animal Science) $700.00
Phoenix High School (Attendance Reward Program) $440.00
Phoenix High School (Student Council) $150.00
Phoenix High School (Media Center) $150.00
Stone Memorial High School (Band) $1500.00
Stone Memorial High School (Volleyball) $500.00
Stone Memorial High School (Audio Visual Club) $300.00
Stone Memorial High School (Beta Club) $300.00
Stone Memorial High School (FBLA) $200.00
Stone Memorial High School (Art Club) $300.00
Stone Memorial High School (Special Education Department) $300.00
Stone Memorial High School (Food Pantry) $700.00
Stone Memorial High School (CTE Student of the Month) $300.00
Stone Memorial High School (National History Day Club) $100.00
Fall awards – August 25, 2022 Total Awarded $15,755
Brown Elementary (Millionaire and Top Readers) $250.00
Brown Elementary (5th Grade Science & SS Class) $250.00
Brown Elementary (5th Grade ELA) $330.00
Crab Orchard Elementary (PE Class) $330.00
Crab Orchard Elementary (4th Grade Class) $300.00
Crab Orchard Elementary (5th Grade Class) $100.00
Crab Orchard Elementary (5th Grade ELA/SS Class) $100.00
Homestead Elementary (STEM Club) $280.00
Homestead Elementary (Archery Team) $280.00
Homestead Elementary (Music Class) $280.00
Martin Elementary (2nd Grade Class) $265.00
Martin Elementary (Chess Club) $200.00
Martin Elementary (JV Cheer) $330.00
North Elementary (Library) $500.00
North Elementary (5th Grade Math/Science Class) $297.00
Pine View Elementary (BETA Club) $200.00
Pine View Elementary (PE Class) $300.00
Pine View Elementary (7th/8th Grade Math/Science) $330.00
South Cumberland Elementary (Boys MS Soccer) $400.00
South Cumberland Elementary (Library) $300.00
South Cumberland Elementary (BETA Club) $200.00
South Cumberland Elementary (Band) $300.00
Stone Elementary (Girls MS Soccer) $400.00
Stone Elementary (BETA Club) $200.00
CCHS (Band) $500.00
CCHS (Cheer Team) $300.00
CCHS (Lady Jet Soccer) $400.00
CCHS (History/Honor’s Government Classes) $150.00
CCHS (School Counselor’s) $700.00
CCHS (HOSA) $400.00
CCHS (Wrestling) $400.00
CCHS (Bowling Team) $400.00
CCHS (French Club) $200.00
CCHS (Jet Theatrix) $400.00
Phoenix (Yearbook) $133.00
Phoenix (PE) $300.00
Phoenix (Small Animal Care) $200.00
Phoenix (Positive Behavior) $200.00
SMHS (Bowling Team) $300.00
SMHS (Art Club) $400.00
SMHS (ELA/Math/RTI Geometry) $250.00
SMHS (Soccer Boosters) $400.00
SMHS (FCCLA) $500.00
SMHS (Theatre) $400.00
SMHS (Science Dept.) $300.00
SMHS (Chorus) $400.00
SMHS (FBLA) $250.00
SMHS (BETA Club) $250.00
SMHS (Panther Pack) $500.00
SMHS (Volleyball Team) $400.00
Spring Awards – January 26, 2023 Total Awarded $17,700
Brown Elementary | Kasi Lewis | 5th grade ELA | $250 |
Brown Elementary | Miranda Sims | 5th grace Science/SS class | $675 |
Crab Orchard Elementary | Jessica Marsee | Music/Band/Choir | $300 |
Crab Orchard Elementary | Lindsay Armes | 5th grade Science Class | $300 |
Crab Orchard Elementary | Lindsay Armes | BETA Club | $500 |
Homestead Elementary | Wadlington/Conner | SWPBS | $200 |
Homestead Elementary | Lauren Mathews | PE | $200 |
Homestead Elementary | Jacqueline Smith | 8th grade ELA/SS | $500 |
Homestead Elementary | Wendy Bridges | STEAM Club | $200 |
Martin Elementary | Kristina Turner | ESL Fam. Literacy Night | $400 |
Pine View Elementary | Tina Niles | 5th/6th grade ELA | $263.56 |
Pine View Elementary | Tina Niles | JV/V Boys/Girls Basketball | $400 |
Pine View Elementary | Heather Jones | JV/V Cross Country | $500 |
South Cumberland | Mario Laborde | Band | $200 |
South Cumberland | Sarah Pharris | Library/AR Millionaire Club | $400 |
South Cumberland | Tiffany Brewer | BETA Club | $500 |
Stone Elementary | Kristin Lopez | Band | $1137 |
Stone Elementary | Sheri Sather | ESL Fam. Literacy Night | $200 |
Stone Elementary | Shannon Brown | Art/Visual Arts | $250 |
Stone Elementary | Davis/Smith | PBS | $250 |
Stone Elementary | Grenz/Gibson | Cross Country | $250 |
Stone Elementary | Blaze Dishman | PE | $250 |
CCHS | Daniel Rickman | Graphic Arts/Design Club | $500 |
CCHS | Carla Pratt | FBLA | $500 |
CCHS | Anna Pickard | Freshman Academy | $300 |
CCHS | Bekki Atkinson | Reader Volunteer Club | $400 |
CCHS | Stuard Bowen | Track & Field | $500 |
CCHS | Randy Herring | Golf Teams | $500 |
SMHS | Williams/Phillips | Food Pantry | $500 |
SMHS | Annalee Dunbar | Pharmacology Class | $1125 |
SMHS | Eleni Fragopoulos | Theatre Club | $1000 |
SMHS | Brittany Bilbrey | Craft Club | $250 |
SMHS | Kidwell/Hicks/Miller | Counselors | $500 |
SMHS | Kylee Johnson | Class of 2024 | $750 |
Fall Awards – August 24, 2023 Total Awarded $17,240.00
Brown Elementary | Hannah Vanwinkle | Book Club | $225 |
Brown Elementary | Aaron Marsee | Band | $400 |
Brown Elementary | Katie Morgan | 5th Grade Math | $225 |
Crab Orchard Elementary | April Shelton | 6th Grade Math and Science | $200 |
Crab Orchard Elementary | Cindy Miniard | Archery/PE | $200 |
Crab Orchard Elementary | Michelle Pettus | 4th Grade | $250 |
Crab Orchard Elementary | Nakesha Matthews | Art | $200 |
Homestead Elementary | Lauren Mathews | PE | $300 |
Homestead Elementary | Camille Conner/Kayla Wadlington | SWPBS | $500 |
Homestead Elementary | Camille Conner/Sue Alva | Pre-K | $50 |
Glen Martin Elementary | Melissa Buffkin | 2nd Grade | $200 |
Glen Martin Elementary | Rosie Davis | 2nd Grade | $400 |
North Cumberland Elementary | Kayla Patterson | 5th Grade Math | $240 |
North Cumberland Elementary | Cathryn Clark/Julia Timson | Lego League | $370 |
North Cumberland Elementary | Lilian Trivett | 7th & 8th Grade ELA | $240 |
Pine View Elementary | Teresa Cowley | Art Club | $250 |
Pine View Elementary | Ashley Corbin | 6th-8th Grade Math | $100 |
Pine View Elementary | Ashley Corbin/Teresa Cowley | Jr BETA | $250 |
Pine View Elementary | Ashley Corbin | Graphic Arts | $250 |
Pleasant Hill Elementary | Jennifer Barnwell | Event Prep Club | $200 |
Pleasant Hill Elementary | Chasity Bohannon/Tammy Phillips | Student Council | $200 |
Pleasant Hill Elementary | Chasity Bohannon/Tammy Phillips/Shaun Brown | 5th Grade | $200 |
Pleasant Hill Elementary | Amanda Mullinix | Kindergarten | $250 |
South Cumberland Elementary | Julie Wyatt | BETA | $250 |
South Cumberland Elementary | Tiffany Pimentel/Vickie Wyatt | Kindness Club | $200 |
South Cumberland Elementary | Sarah Pharris | Library | $200 |
South Cumberland Elementary | Jamie White | SWPBS | $200 |
Stone Elementary | Robert Sparks | Cross Country | $150 |
Stone Elementary | Michelle Wilson | BETA | $250 |
Stone Elementary | Macey Flatt | Counseling Program | $350 |
Stone Elementary | Kasey Smith/Jen Davis | PBS | $100 |
Cumberland County High School | Carla Pratt | FBLA | $400 |
Cumberland County High School | Mike DiBiccaro | Honors Gov/History | $400 |
Cumberland County High School | Angela Robbins | French Club | $405 |
Cumberland County High School | Angela Robbins | Jet Theatrix | $400 |
Cumberland County High School | Daniel Rickman | Bowling | $400 |
Cumberland County High School | Brenda Hall | Student Council | $250 |
Cumberland County High School | Laura Gilpin/Skye Thomason | HOSA | $400 |
Cumberland County High School | Darcy Phipps/Emmy McCoy | SWPBS | $400 |
Cumberland County High School | Bruce Johnson | Band | $460 |
Cumberland County High School | Daisy Filler | BETA | $300 |
Cumberland County High School | Daisy Filler | Cheer | $420 |
Stone Memorial High School | Annalee Dunbar/Nicole McKie | HOSA | $300 |
The Phoenix School | Sherry Smith | Student Council | $212.50 |
The Phoenix School | George Kington | Transition Academy | $212.50 |
The Phoenix School | Erin Norrod | SWPBS | $212.50 |
The Phoenix School | Erin Norrod | Guidance | $212.50 |
Stone Memorial High School | Annalee Dunbar/Nicole McKie | HOSA | $300 |
Stone Memorial High School | April Moore/Carol Smith/Brittany Bilbrey | Panther Pack | $300 |
Stone Memorial High School | Tonia Wyatt | Student Council | $300 |
Stone Memorial High School | Ethan Tipton | Band | $300 |
Stone Memorial High School | Brian Parker | Boys/Girls Wrestling | $250 |
Stone Memorial High School | Brittany Bilbrey | Craft Club | $300 |
Stone Memorial High School | Kylee Johnson/John Long/Chris Bennett | Skills USA | $300 |
Stone Memorial High School | Carol Smith | FBLA | $300 |
Stone Memorial High School | Brent Hunter | Mycology Club | $300 |
Stone Memorial High School | Anna Bryant/Carol Smith | BETA | $300 |
Stone Memorial High School | Tristessa Luetkemeyer | Bowling | $300 |
Stone Memorial High School | Rachel Martin/Kenny Martin | Book Club | $300 |
Stone Memorial High School | Chelsea Phillips | Food Pantry | $385 |
Stone Memorial High School | Micah Grenz | Boys Soccer | $300 |
Mixed (SMHS/CCHS) | Amanda Anderson (SMHS)/Roger Dixon(CCHS) | ESL Pen Pal Writing Club | $220 |
Spring Awards – January 25, 2024 Total Awarded $17,454
Brown Elementary | Hannah VanWinkle | Book Club | $250.00 |
Brown Elementary | Aaron Marsee | Music Class | $250.00 |
Brown Elementary | Miranda Sims | Science & Social Studies | $250.00 |
Brown Elementary | Cindy Kemmer | FFA Team | $330.00 |
Brown Elementary | Paula Bailey | Chess Club | $330.00 |
Brown Elementary | Elizabeth McDonald | Visual Art/Art Club | $330.00 |
Crab Orchard Elementary | Erin Jackson & Brianna Kerley | 8th grade | $330.00 |
Crab Orchard Elementary | Jessica Marsee | Band/Choir/General Music | $330.00 |
Crab Orchard Elementary | April Shelton & Pam Graves | Junior BETA | $330.00 |
Homestead Elementary | Jennifer Lawrence | 7th-8th grade Science Class | $330.00 |
Homestead Elementary | Darlene Wallace | B3 Fitness | $300.00 |
Homestead Elementary | Rebecca Wood | RTI | $330.00 |
Homestead Elementary | Kelsey Eller | ESL | $330.00 |
Martin Elementary | Brandon Fletcher | Band | $250.00 |
Martin Elementary | Nicole Graham | 8th grade Math | $250.00 |
Martin Elementary | Stephanie Brown | Math Competition Team | $250.00 |
Martin Elementary | Chealsey Baxter | PE | $250.00 |
North Elementary | Chasidy Turner | 6th-7th grade Math | $250.00 |
North Elementary | Misty Goss | PE | $250.00 |
North Elementary | Ashton Hayes | FFA | $250.00 |
North Elementary | Julia Timson | STEM Lab | $250.00 |
Pleasant Hill Elementary | Kim Nelson | 4th grade Science Fair | $214.00 |
Pleasant Hill Elementary | Kim Nelson | Chess Club | $300.00 |
Pleasant Hill Elementary | Samantha Essex | FFA | $330.00 |
South Cumberland Elementary | Jamie White | RTI | $370.00 |
South Cumberland Elementary | Andi Casey & Stacy Dykes | Student Council | $250.00 |
South Cumberland Elementary | Mario Laborde | Band | $250.00 |
South Cumberland Elementary | Leigh Ann Burgess | Leo League | $370.00 |
Stone Elementary | Sheri Sather | ESL | $200.00 |
Stone Elementary | Beth Troyer | 5th grade Science | $400.00 |
Stone Elementary | Shannon Brown | Art Room | $200.00 |
Stone Elementary | Kristin Lopez | Band | $200.00 |
Phoenix School | George Kington | Transition Academy | $100.00 |
Phoenix School | Sherry Smith | Prom Committee | $300.00 |
Phoenix School | Sherry Smith | Media Center | $200.00 |
Cumberland County High | Jeff Wright | Jets News Network | $300.00 |
Cumberland County High | Daniel Rickman | Photography | $300.00 |
Cumberland County High | Bruce Johnson | Band | $500.00 |
Cumberland County High | Bekki Atkinson & Gretchen Daenell | Reader Volunteer | $300.00 |
Cumberland County High | Daisy Filler & Kaytlin Hobbs | Varsity Cheer | $500.00 |
Cumberland County High | Daisy Filler | BETA | $500.00 |
Cumberland County High | Lindsey Atkin | Vocal Music & Music Theatre | $300.00 |
Cumberland County High | Angela Robbins | Jet Theatrix | $350.00 |
Cumberland County High | Angela Robbins | Theatre 2 Class | $350.00 |
Cumberland County High | Cub Whitson | Soccer | $350.00 |
Cumberland County High | Cub Whitson | Boys Soccer | $350.00 |
Cumberland County High | Stuart Bowen | Middle School Track & Field | $300.00 |
Cumberland County High | Randy Herring | Middle School Boys & Girl Golf | $300.00 |
Cumberland County High | Alesha Gibson | Middle School Volleyball | $300.00 |
Stone Memorial High | Rachel Martin | English Department | $500.00 |
Stone Memorial High | Ethan Tipton | Marching Band | $300.00 |
Stone Memorial High | Tristessa Luetkemeyer | Art Club | $300.00 |
Stone Memorial High | Anna Bryant & Carol Smith | BETA | $500.00 |
Stone Memorial High | Chelsea Phillips & Krissy Headrick | Food Pantry | $500.00 |
Stone Memorial High | Carol Smith | FBLA | $250.00 |
Stone Memorial High | Brittany Bilbrey & Peggy Potter | Craft Club | $400.00 |
Fall Awards – August 22, 2024
Brown Elementary | Jamie Hill | 7th/8th grade ELA Classes | $150.00 |
Brown Elementary | Lance Beaty | PE | $150.00 |
Brown Elementary | Richard Leahy | 6th grade Science/SS Class | $150.00 |
Brown Elementary | Lisa Parker/Jamie Hill | Literacy Association of TN | $150.00 |
Brown Elementary | Richard Leahy | Graphic Novel Book Club | $150.00 |
Crab Orchard Elementary | Michelle Pettus | 4th grade ELA.SS Class | $250.00 |
Crab Orchard Elementary | Patricia Smith | 4th grade Math/Science Class | $250.00 |
Crab Orchard Elementary | Brandon Michael | 5th grade Science Class | $250.00 |
Homestead Elementary | Misty Thompson | Kindergarten Teachers | $150.00 |
Homestead Elementary | Camille Conner | SWPB | $150.00 |
Homestead Elementary | Lori Myers | 8th grade SS Class | $100.00 |
Homestead Elementary | Brandy Martin | Library | $150.00 |
Homestead Elementary | Lori Myers | 7th/8th grade SS Classes | $100.00 |
Homestead Elementary | Jessica Rollins | 5th grade Science Class | $150.00 |
Homestead Elementary | Lauren Mathews | PE | $100.00 |
Glenn Martin Elementary | Rosie Davis | 2nd grade | $150.00 |
Glenn Martin Elementary | Katelyn Tollett | 3rd grade Classes | $50.00 |
Glenn Martin Elementary | Catheryn Clark | 8th grade Math Class | $150.00 |
Glenn Martin Elementary | Melissa Buffkin | 3rd grade Class | $150.00 |
Glenn Martin Elementary | Jeff Smith | 5th grade ELA | $200.00 |
Glenn Martin Elementary | Nicole Graham | PBS | $150.00 |
North Cumberland Elementary | Megan Nicholson/Ariel Reno-Demick | LEGO League | $300.00 |
North Cumberland Elementary | Thomas Fuhrman | Cyber Patriots Club | $120.00 |
North Cumberland Elementary | Chasidy Turner | 5/6th Math Club/Tutoring | $150.00 |
North Cumberland Elementary | Emma Bailey | WATTS Up STEAM Club | $120.00 |
North Cumberland Elementary | Julia Timson | Jr. BETA | $150.00 |
Pine View Elementary | Summer Shea Shaddon | 4th/5th grade ELA | $225.00 |
Pine View Elementary | Justin Gibson | LEGO League | $225.00 |
Pine View Elementary | Ashley Corbin | 6th-8th grade Science/SS Class | $225.00 |
Pine View Elementary | Ashley Corbin | Encore Graphic Design | $100.00 |
Pleasant Hill Elementary | Tiffany White | PBS | $250.00 |
Pleasant Hill Elementary | Cristyn Diana | 2nd grade | $100.00 |
Pleasant Hill Elementary | Ruth Nash/Kim Nelson/Tammy Phillips | 4th grade | $200.00 |
Pleasant Hill Elementary | Calynn Whittenburg | Archery | $150.00 |
Pleasant Hill Elementary | Kim Carter | 3rd grade Class | $100.00 |
South Cumberland Elementary | Julie Wyatt | BETA | $150.00 |
South Cumberland Elementary | Julie Wyatt | Student Council | $150.00 |
South Cumberland Elementary | Mario Laborde | Band | $150.00 |
Stone Elementary | Sheri Sather | Family Engagement Cmt | $500.00 |
Stone Elementary | Jenell Willis | Honor Society | $300.00 |
The Phoenix School | Shawn Hinds/Casey Robinson | Yearbook | $300.00 |
The Phoenix School | George Kington | Transition Academy | $200.00 |
The Phoenix School | Erin Norrod | School Counselor | $200.00 |
Cumberland County High School | Misty Overman/Mike Tumulty | FCCLA | $500.00 |
Cumberland County High School | Mike DiBiccaro | Honors/Govt/SDS Phycology | $275.00 |
Cumberland County High School | Aaron Daenell | CyberPatriot Team | $225.00 |
Cumberland County High School | Roger Dixon | ESL | $250.00 |
Cumberland County High School | Aaron Johnson | JROTC (NDCC) | $500.00 |
Cumberland County High School | Aaron Daenell | Marketing and Tech Class | $500.00 |
Cumberland County High School | Aaron Daenell | Fishing Team | $200.00 |
Cumberland County High School | Brad Eich | Wrestling Team | $400.00 |
Cumberland County High School | Brad Eich | PE | $500.00 |
Cumberland County High School | Carla Pratt/Aaron Daenell | FBLA | $500.00 |
Cumberland County High School | Laura Gilpin/Amber Wakefield | HOSA | $450.00 |
Cumberland County High School | Laura Brewer | Science Department | $500.00 |
Stone Memorial High School | Kelli Carroll | AP Physics | $500.00 |
Stone Memorial High School | Aleysah Cooper | Spanish Club | $300.00 |
Stone Memorial High School | Kalyn Lewis | Yearbook | $500.00 |
Stone Memorial High School | Bryanna Bosserman | ESL | $250.00 |
Stone Memorial High School | Tristessa Luetkemeyer | Boys/Girls Bowling | $500.00 |
Stone Memorial High School | Lindsey Akin | Choir | $500.00 |
Stone Memorial High School | John Long/Kylee Johnson | Skills USA | $500.00 |
Stone Memorial High School | Samantha Essex/Rachel McClanahan/Chris Burris | FFA | $500.00 |
Stone Memorial High School | Marcy Harelson/April Moore | Big Sister Group | $375.00 |
Stone Memorial High School | April More/Carol Smith | PSWBS | $500.00 |
Stone Memorial High School | Eleni Fragopoulos | Theater Department | $375.00 |
Middle School | Bethany Croley | SMHS-MS-Girls Soccer | $150.00 |
Middle School | Galen Atkins | SMHS-MS-Boys Soccer | $150.00 |
Middle School | Matt Cravens | CCHS-MS-Girls Basketball | $150.00 |
Middle School | Darcy Phipps | CCHS-MS-Cheer | $150.00 |
Spring Awards – January 23, 2025Total Awarded $18,128.00
Brown Elementary | Brad Houston-Brown | Robotics |
Brown Elementary | Cindy Kemmer | FFA |
Brown Elementary | Jessi Wyatt | BETA |
Brown Elementary | Hannah VanWinkle | Book Club |
Brown Elementary | Aaron Marsee | Music/Band |
Crab Orchard Elementary | Kerry Grumbles | Science Class |
Crab Orchard Elementary | April Shelton | 6th grade Math/Science |
Crab Orchard Elementary | April Shelton | Jr. BETA |
Crab Orchard Elementary | Toni LaRue Garrett | ESL |
Crab Orchard Elementary | Jessica Marsee | Music/Band/Choir |
Homestead Elementary | Camille Conner | SWPB |
Homestead Elementary | Patty Cooper/Jessica Rollins | Jr. BETA |
Homestead Elementary | Chasity Bohannon/Sarah Kuffel | 8th grade |
Homestead Elementary | Emily Kilby | Choir |
Homestead Elementary | Miranda Andreason | CDC Classroom |
Martin Elementary | Madison Buffkin | 4th grade Science/SS |
North Cumberland Elementary | Misty Goss | PE |
North Cumberland Elementary | Johanna San Inocencio | Art Club |
North Cumberland Elementary | Katy Frashier | Archery |
North Cumberland Elementary | Ashton Hayes | FFA |
North Cumberland Elementary | Emma Lewis | Library |
North Cumberland Elementary | Kristina Jones/Kelsey Sexton | EPIC Student Leadership Acad. |
Pleasant Hill Elementary | Julie Iles | 2nd grade |
Pleasant Hill Elementary | Kim Carter/Teresa Thompson/Angie Janow | 3rd grade |
Pleasant Hill Elementary | Tara Hughes | 1st grade |
Pleasant Hill Elementary | Taylor Blyly | 1st grade |
Pleasant Hill Elementary | Tiffany White | 1st grade |
Pleasant Hill Elementary | Susie Stewart | Yearbook |
Pleasant Hill Elementary | Kim Nelson | Chess Club |
South Cumberland Elementary | Amber Christmas | JV Cheer |
South Cumberland Elementary | Brooke Mapes | 7th/8th grade Science |
South Cumberland Elementary | Brooke Mapes/Kristin Walker | Varsity Cheer |
South Cumberland Elementary | Whitney Cole/Tiffany Phillips | Cross Country |
South Cumberland Elementary | Jamie White | RTI |
South Cumberland Elementary | Jamie White | SWPB |
South Cumberland Elementary | Erica Vance | 7th/8th grade ELA |
Stone Elementary | Caitlin Berta | Science Dept |
Stone Elementary | Jennifer Davis | Student Council |
Stone Elementary | Kasey Patton/Tiffany Ridley | PBS |
Stone Elementary | Kristin Lopez | Band |
Stone Elementary | Sheri Sather | ESL |
Stone Elementary | Beth Troyer | 5th grade |
The Phoenix School | Erin Norrod/Ginnie Wheeler | PBS |
Cumberland County High School | Angela Robbins | Theatre |
Cumberland County High School | Angela Robbins | French Club |
Cumberland County High School | Bruce Johnson | Band |
Cumberland County High School | Sistina Martin/Emmy McCoy | SWPBS |
Cumberland County High School | Pat Nelson/Daisy Filler | BETA |
Cumberland County High School | Anna Pickard | Class of 2028 |
Cumberland County High School | Kimberly Varner | Visual Arts I/II & Painting II |
Cumberland County High School | Cub Whitson | Boy’s Soccer |
Cumberland County High School | Megan Sherfield | Cheer Team |
Cumberland County High School | Brenda Hall | Student Council |
Cumberland County High School | Bekki Atkinson/Gretchen Daenell | Reader Volunteer Club |
Cumberland County High School | Bekki Atkinson/Gretchen Daenell/Laci Cope | Reader Volunteer Club |
Cumberland County High School | Julie Iles | Lady Jets Softball |
Cumberland County High School | Robert Akin | Chess Team |
Cumberland County High School | Aaron Daenell | DECA |
Stone Memorial High School | Shannon O’Neal/Clay Tarleton/K. Johnson | Class of 2027 |
Stone Memorial High School | Rachel Martin | English Dept |
Stone Memorial High School | Clay Tarleton | Ethics Debate Club |
Stone Memorial High School | Brent Hunter | Mycology Club |
Stone Memorial High School | Tonia Wyatt | Student Council/Class Officer |
Stone Memorial High School | Kylee Johnson/Sharmain Wyatt/Chris Burris | CTE Students of the month |
Stone Memorial High School | Elana Douglas | Band |
Stone Memorial High School | Tori Permenter | Flag Football |
Stone Memorial High School | Brittany Bilbrey/Peggy Potter | Craft Club |
Stone Memorial High School | Aaron Johnson | JROTC |
Middle School | Sam Pharris | MS Soccer |
Middle School | Tori Moss | MS/Elem Basketball Teams |
Middle School | Darcy Phipps | MS Cheerleading |
Middle School | Randy Herring | MS Golf |